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 » Operation
(84-28) 3899 7975


Human Our human resources are built with high quality and expertise in MT, GT and e-commerce platforms. Logistics We have a professional logistics department, with our own warehouse and delivery service that is directly connected to our key customers. Distribution We have 3 distribution centers in: Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang. We also supply goods with direct delivery service through our distributors in the provinces. Technology We connect with our customers through an efficient delivery, invoice, document and electronic transaction system.Human Our human resources are built with high quality and expertise in MT, GT and e-commerce platforms. Logistics We have a professional logistics department, with our own warehouse and delivery service that is directly connected to our key customers. Distribution We have 3 distribution centers in: Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang. We also supply goods with direct delivery service through our distributors in the provinces. Technology We connect with our customers through an efficient delivery, invoice, document and electronic transaction system.