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 » Privacy Policy
(84-28) 3899 7975

www.redwood-asia.com (including the foundation of website, mobile website) hereinafter referred as “Redwood”, commits to secure customers’ private information. Please kindly read “Privacy Policy” below in advance of accessing other content to comprehend all our commitments, in purpose of respect and protect rights of visitors.

1. Private data collection:

The collected data helps us to: - Support customers to buy products - Answer frequently asked questions from customers

- Provide customers our latest news - Upgrade content & theme of website - Do promotional activities relating to Redwood products and services To access and use ones of our services on website, you may be required to register personal information (Name, phone number, email,…). Declaration information must be accurate and legal. Redwood shall not be under any responsibilities to the legality of customers’ information. Redwood also collects the information about visits, including the number of pages you view, the number of links you click and other information related to connecting to Redwood. We also get the data from browser whenever you access, including: IP address, browser type, language, time and address which browser exports.

2. Use of private information:

Redwood collects and uses customer private information with appropriate purpose and completely obey the content of this “Privacy Policy”. In case of necessity, we might use customer information to directly contact you via email, phone, message,… You may also receive notification mails which provide product information, service, new event information or recruitment…if you register to receive them.

3. Sharing private information:

Except for Clause of “Use of private information” as stated in this policy, we commit not to disclose your personal information. In some certain situations, we may hire an independent organization to process market researching project, and only just then your information would be sent to this organization for project purpose. Third party will be bonded by a security agreement which only allow it to use those private information in purpose of finishing project. We may disclose or provide your personal information only when: (a) having order from authority; (b) we have basis to believe that this will help us to protect our legitimate rights; (c) it is necessary for Redwood to supply service/convenience to customers (such as: providing delivery information to delivery partner…)

4. Privacy Policy:

Whenever you submit personal information to Redwood, it means that you have accepted to all clauses referred in this Policy. Redwood  commit to secure your private information by any possible ways.

5. “Spam” Clause:

“Spam” is email which is disguised Redwood reputation and sent to customers. Redwood confirm that we just send email to customer when and only when customer has registered or used our services in Redwood system. We commit not to sell, rent or lease customer email to Third party. If you accidentally receive email without request from Redwood web system due to unexpected reason, please kindly click the attached link to reject email or inform directly to Redwood.

6. Policy Amendment rights:

Redwood, basis at its sole discretion, shall amend the content of “Privacy Policy” without prior notice, to suit the needs of Redwood and feedback need of customer. Whenever updating the policy content, we will modify the time of “Last updated”. “Privacy Policy” is solely applied in Redwood, not including or relevant to Third Parties who advertise or have Redwood link. We recommend customer read carefully “Safety and Privacy Policy” on web of Third Parties before providing them your personal information. We shall have no responsibilities for the content and legality of Third Parties’ website.

7. Contact:

We always appreciate and welcome all comments, contact and feedbacks from customers about “Privacy Policy”. If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us via email info@redwood-asia.com or hotline(84-28) 3899 7975 .